Photo of The Lottery Picker 2024 LOGO by McCracken Software
Powerball & Mega Millions Computer Software for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit Platforms
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Here's why the Keeper Numbers Saved Into Groups of 5?

Why are my saved Powerball numbers and my saved Mega Millions numbers (known as Keeper Numbers) in the Keeper List-Box broken up into groups of 5 when there are more than 5 numbers listed?

All the files in the Powerball or Mega Millions lottery numbers database contains all lottery numbers

The Lottery Picker 2024 is a lottery software program designed to do many things.  One of the things it does is to save all of your Powerball & Mega Millions lottey numbers.  When you save numbers in The lottery Picker 2024 they are referred to as "Keeper Numbers".  It can save an unlimited number of "Keeper Files" with each file containing an unlimited number of lottery numbers.  When the numbers are saved into the files, they are save into groups of five.  Some people ask; "why are the Keeper numbers saved into groups of five?".  The answer is; you can only print out 5 numbers on a single lottery play-slip ticket.  This is the reason the numbers are broken up into groups of 5.  To better match up with the printed play-slips.  Although some Play-Slips only accept 4 numbers per slip, 99.9% ± of Powerball & Mega Millions States Play-Slips accept 5-numbers per slip.  When you're checking your lottery number for winners in The Lottery Picker 2024, those are displayed in groups of 5 as well.  This makes finding and matching your lottery tickets with your saved Keeper Files so much easier.

Learn more about the Keeper Box and all of the options available to work with your Powerball & Mega Millions lottery numbers.

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