Photo of The Lottery Picker 2024 LOGO by McCracken Software
Powerball & Mega Millions Computer Software for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit Platforms
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Here's How to Uninstall The Lottery Picker 2024?

How do I Uninstall The Lottery Picker 2024 from my computer?

If you need to move The Lottery Picker to another computer, want to free up some space, or just want to Uninstall it, It's very easy.  Below are a few ways to easily Uninstall it.  Select an option for your Windows version.

  1. WINDOWS 10
    1. Option 1: Go to the Start Menu, click on the Settings Icon, when the window opens click on the Apps Icon.  In the Apps & Features window that opens, scroll that list of programs until you find The Lottery Picker, click it to make the button visible, click the Uninstall button.
    2. Opption 2: In the Windows Task Bar click on the Windows Search icon and type in "Control".  At the top, Control Panel should be highlighted, click on it or just hit Enter.  When control Panel opens, click on Programs and Features...  In the list of programs find The Lottery Picker and click it to highlight.  With The Lottery Picker highlighted look at the top of the list in the header, there should be the options; Uninstall, Change, Repair...  Click Uninstall.
    3. Option 3: Click and open the Start Menu.  Scroll your list of programs and find the McCracken Software folder...  Click to open it and click the Uninstall The Lottery Picker 20xx button.  When presented with the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
  2. WINDOWS 8.1
    1. Right-Click on the Start Button and choose "Control Panel" from the list.  Once Control Panel is open, what comes next depends on what view you have it in.  The selected view is shown in the upper-right.  It will either be in Category view or Icon view...
      *If in "Category View", look for the Programs heading and click the link underneity it that says "Uninstall a Program".  The Programs and Features window opens up ;(see FINISH)...
      If in "Icon View" then select "Programs and Features".  The Programs and Features window opens up; (see FINISH)...
      (FINISH) ...With the Programs and Features windown now open, In the list of programs that is displayed, find The Lottery Picker and highlight it.  Then click the Uninstall button in the top header.  Follow the prompts.
  3. WINDOWS 7
    1. Option 1:
      1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
      2. Open the Programs selection.  Under Programs, click Uninstall a Program.
      3. Select the Program you want to Remove.
      4. Click Uninstall or Uninstall/Change at the top of the Program list.  In the dialog box that opens, just follow the prompts to complete the Un-installation.
    2. Option 2: Click and open the Start Menu and click on "All Programs".  Scroll your list of programs and find the McCracken Software folder...  Click to open it and click the Uninstall The Lottery Picker 20xx button.  When presented with the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

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