Latest Release: 4/8/2024
Version: 21.2.5


Is this a program to import Microsoft Excel lottery number files?, or Export them out of The Lottery Picker™ 2024?

YES!  Using this lottery software program; The Lottery Picker™ 2024, just drag & drop your favorite number files and go!  Not only will it import Microsoft Excel lottery number files, it will import any plain ASCII text file you have created by hand or exported from any other program.

Just Drag & Drop Your Number File!

The Import/Export Wizard - PROGRAM to import Microsoft Excel lottery number files - Learn how to import Excel numbers into The Lottery Picker™ 2024

Export your numbers from Excel or create your own number files and Import them right into The Lottery Picker™ 2024

Now, The Lottery Picker™ 2024 comes the ability to import and export your Powerball & Mega Millions number files. This feature is aimed toward users who export lottery numbers that they have created by hand or in other programs such as Mocrosoft Excel and would like to import them into The Lottery Picker™ 2024.  Also users will be able to export numbers in the same fashion. The numbers must be exported from the source program in ASCII plain text format such as a .txt or .cvs file. (NOTE; the extension of the file name you are importing does not matter. i.e. the file could be named "MyFile.textzz" and it would still import if its a ASCII file as mentioned above.)  If your source program won't let you export your numbers in plain ASCII text format, you may submit a number file generated in your source program for testing purposes so we can get The Lottery Picker™ 2024 to properly convert it to work.

The Exported numbers should be separated by a comma, space, or tab, and can be either single or double digit in size such as (01 or 1).  Lines of numbers are allowed to have a line number making a total of 7 numbers per line.  The imported Powerball & Mega Millions numbers will be reformated and validated during the import process and formatted like this (03 09 15 22 14 06).  If you used line numbers, those will be dropped of.  More about allowed format for imported number files

More about: Importing lottery numbers using the Import/Export Wizard
More about: The Lottery Picker™ 2024

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