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Let us know if you see incorrect information. Let us know if you have additional information to add to this site. Let us know if you know of other Frequencies that are active in McDowell County NC so we can add them to the list for others to use. Any information that you may be able to provide about the Marion NC 28752 Police Codes, Signals, Frequencies or methods they use would help to make this McDowell's best quick reference site for scanner hobbyist and professionals alike. You can also find frequencies for MAMA helicopter, WINGS helicopter, and others.
It is unknown if these codes are the same for Burke County - Morganton Rutherfordton NC Hickory Asheville Charlotte Winston Salem High Point Asheboro Raleigh Jacksonville Wilmington Fayetteville Durham Cary Greensboro Rocky Mount Greenville Gastonia.
These frequencies can be used in Uniden PRO series scanners from radio shack, Bearcat , trunking systems, Motorola, Alaron, Regency, Memorex, and Realistic. Maybe even in Ham Radios. 1299,1636,1032, 780
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