Lottery Picker™ 2024
Lottery Settings
(TIP: Click on the images to see in FULL Size)
The settings that control the Starting Date Range when the program is first started are located at the top of this window under "Database Loading Preferences:".
The default setting is to; "Always load the complete lottery database." However this can be changed to a custom date by selecting the other option; "Always load database starting from last ball matrix change, or my custom date".
If you wanted to have the program startup using only past drawings since the ball matrix change for the Powerball or Mega Millions, just click the bottom option as shown here: "Always load database starting from last ball matrix change, or my custom date"
When you make this selection (shown above), an Edit button appears along with a Date box. This is all you need to do in order to have the program startup with this date. In fact, as soon as you make this selection the database on the Main window is reloaded using this date and you may now start using it.
However, you may also change the startup date by clicking the Edit button as was done in the photo below.
Once clicked, a Cancel button appears, the Edit button becomes the Save button, and the Date box becomes active enabling you to edit the date.
Simply enter a new date and click Save. Once you change the date from the default Ball Matrix change date, a [Default] button becomes visible. You can always click the [Default] button to revert back to the correct date of the Ball Matrix change for either Powerball or Mega Millions.
To have the program startup using the FULL database again, just click on the top selection "Always load the complete lottery database." The change is instant and the new database is loaded right away so you may begin using it immediately.
The Lottery PickerĀ© 2024 database for both Powerball & Mega Millions always holds "ALL" of the past draws since the inception of both lotteries (11/1/1997 Powerball & 9/6/1996 Mega Millions). The setting circled in RED below gives you the option of leaving out any drawing that Do Not fall within the lottery's Matrix Range.
Checking this box will cause the program to load EVERY drawing since the inception date of the lottery and thus all calculations will be based upon those.
UnChecking this box will cause the leave out any drawings that are not within the loaded lottery's Matrix Range and thus any calculation the program makes will not include those drawings.
NOTE: UnChecking this box (circled above in RED) and not loading out-of-matrix-drawings will NOT delete them from the database. They are simply skipped when the lottery database is loaded. Setting this will cause the program to load the same way each time it is loaded.
(The photos below are cropped from the upper-right of the Main Window)
You can tell when the program is loading out-of-matrix-drawings by the RED Warning Icon beside the [Display] button which is seen as soon as you Start TLP. If you hold your mouse over the Red icon, a tooltip will appear telling how many Drawings were skipped. An Example of the tooltip message is seen just below telling you that All database drawings were loaded despite the fact that 622 of them had at least one number that fell outside of the currently loaded game (Powerball or Mega Millions) matrix number range.
In contrast, the image below shows that the user has UnChecked the setting indicated by the RED icon above so that the program will Skip any drawings that have any numbers that falls outside of the currently loaded lotteries Matrix Range. NOTE the GREEN icon displayed beside the [Display] button... This indicator is letting you know the database is loaded normally and contains only lottery drawings that are within the currently loaded game (Powerball or Mega Millions) matrix number range.
Ball Matrix Settings:
In the bottom section of this window is where you set the Ball Matrix Range for Powerball or Mega Millions (depending on which you have loaded when you open this settings window).
The Ball-Matrix-Range is the MAXIMUM Range of Numbers used in each pool of balls that are drawn. For instance, at the time of this writing, the Powerball Matrix Range was 1-69 White balls & 1-26 Powerballs. Mega Millions Matrix Range was 1-70 White balls & 1-25 Mega Balls. All numbers are drawn within those ranges until the Ball Matrix is changed again at some point in the future.
By default, these Ball Matrix Settings are not editable (shown above). That's so they can't be changed accidentally. Should you need to change these numbers, clicking the Edit button will allow you to change them (shown below). Once the Edit button is clicked, it is hidden and the Cancel button appears. The Save button does not appear until you actually make a change to one of the boxes. If you make a mistake and can't remember what goes back in these boxes, clicking the Cancel button will restore them to their default settings.
Click a Tab below to jump to more information on those settings
An Introduction The Lottery Picker Main Window
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