Lottery Picker™ 2024
Sounds Settings
(TIP: Click on the images to see in FULL Size)
Play Sound when I have a winning combination of numbers
When you check your numbers in the Matching Window, if you match the right combination of balls to win a prize you will hear a sound. From this setting (Sound Control), you can turn that sound on or off.
There are TWO ways to turn that sound On and Off. One is here in the Settings Control window. Make sure it's checked.
The other is in the BLACK window itself where the winnings are actually checked. There is a check box there as well. Turning either one of these on (checking it) would enable sound. Please note that you will only hear sound when you have a winning combination of balls that have been checked.
Play Sound when new drawings are found
Checking this box will enable sound when a new drawing is found and downloaded.
Click a Tab below to jump to more information on those settings
An Introduction The Lottery Picker Main Window
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