When was the Power-Play 10x last drawn?
• The Powerball Power-Play 10x was last drawn 38 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes ago on: Monday, November 4, 2024
How many times has the Powerball Power Play 10x been drawn?
• The Power-Play 10x has only been drawn: 21 times since 2006.
How many drawings and days were between the last two Power-Play 10x drawings?
• Before the Monday, November 4, 2024 drawing listed above in which the Powerball Power-Play 10x was drawn, the Power-Play 10x was drawn back on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. There were 130 drawings between those two drawings or, 305 days.
The exact odds of the 10x being drawn are 1:43 (2.33%) when it's in play but you couldn't tell it by the statement above.
The Power-Play can be drawn as 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x Or 10x. The Power-Play multiplier does Not apply to the Jackpot prize And only counts as 2x on the second tier prize of $1 million dollars no matter which Power-Play Is drawn. The Power-Play 10x Is ONLY AVAILABLE to be drawn when the Jackpot less than $150 million dollars.
There Is a better way to do this you know...